What does it mean for a festival to be so dynamically located between the life of a college and the myriad worlds—or environments—beyond?
Across its 25 years, the unique intersection of public spheres that is the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has fostered countless dialogues, discussions, and debates that any single one of the worlds it brings together would struggle to envision let alone engage.
Put simply, in the terms of the annual theme of its 25th anniversary gathering, FLEFF has always been a site of 'Entanglements.'
It is a forum that celebrates and creates spaces for the interconnection of people and perspectives, whose own professional worlds are so often shorn from one another even while their lived environments coalesce into much larger ecosystems. It is these environments, too, as well as the more familiar definitions of ecological concern, that are brought into focus each year through FLEFF.
Such is the case with each screening, workshop, interview, discussion, and countless other events that I have had the opportunity to attend in my own ten years of participation, since arriving at Ithaca College as a film professor a decade ago.