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Explore the Universe Around You

Master physics in a collaborative, state-of-the-art, welcoming environment in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ithaca College. We will provide you will the tools, skills, and personalized attention you need to succeed in your future scientific career.
Izzy Mahoney, '24, is developing a circuit to build an electrocardiogram.
Launch Your Own Research
Faculty will work with you to forward your career trajectory.
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Izzy Mahoney, '24, is developing a circuit to build an electrocardiogram (EKG) in her Advanced Applied Design Lab. When completed, the device will accurately diagnose patients with heart conditions and detect abnormalities in the heart.

What can you do as a graduate of our physics or physics-engineering progams?

Read more about the exciting careers of our graduates in the Alumni Highlights! 

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Antara Sen ’22 and Professor Beth Ellen Clark Joseph
Antara Sen & Beth Ellen Clark Joseph
Landing Out-of-This-World Opportunities
On a NASA mission, Antara Sen ’22 and Professor Beth Ellen Clark Joseph set national research and lifelong friendship into motion.
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Jamie Woodworth
Jamie Woodworth
Mathematics and Physics
It all adds up: Jamie Woodworth makes the grade on a notoriously challenging international mathematics competition.
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Professor Beth Ellen Clark holds a model of the asteroid Bennu.
Beth Ellen Clark Joseph
Chair, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
How worried should future earthlings be about Asteroid 101955 Bennu? Professor Beth Ellen Clark Joseph is leading a team to find out.
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Contact Us

Matthew C. Sullivan, Chair
Cheryl Smith, Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Mellott, Equipment/Laboratory Specialist

Department Office: 258A Center for Natural Sciences