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SEARCH over 1,000+ FREE Lessons & PD Resources for Integrating
Constructivist Media Decoding into ALL Curriculum Areas and Levels.

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Choose Your Role

Inspire and enrich your teaching by engaging all students in rigorous and reflective analysis of rich media documents.

School librarians are our information/media literacy experts, curriculum collaborators and instructional coaches - with connections to all subjects and levels. This website provides the lessons, materials, and professional development recourses for ML3: Librarians as Leaders of Media Literacy in our schools.

Project Look Sharp’s materials and PD trainings infuse critical thinking about all media messages while improving instructional practices for all subjects and levels to be more student-centered, inquiry-driven, evidence-based, and engaging for all students.


Prepare your pre-service teachers to master the critical competency of leading inquiry-based media analysis in all classrooms

Recent Featured Resources

What is Democracy?

Students analyze short videos about voting, Vermont town meetings, Haudenosaunee democracy, & worker coops
Decoding lessons for:

  • Are these photos fact, opinion, or something else?
  • What's the historical context?
  • How have photos changed?

Media Decoding Lessons for Women's History
With all the media, handouts, lesson plan, etc. - FREE

Explore Free Lessons for Your Classroom

Featured Lesson

Arguing For Freedom

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson using diverse media imagery to teach about the history of the movement to abolish slavery in the United States in the early and mid-19th century.

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We Understand Your Needs Because We’re Educators Too

Drawing on over 30 years of classroom experience, we can relate to the demands teachers face and the unique needs of diverse students because we’ve been there and continue to stay involved in the classroom.

Watch Chris Sperry, our Director of Curriculum & Staff Development, lead a constructivist media decoding with students


Experience the Power of Our Media Literacy Approach with Your Students

  • “This work's importance can't be overstated, and Project Look Sharp's passion, generosity, and open-mindedness for this topic is unsurpassed. Come to learn. Come to change. The practice of critically thinking about media and its role in our society will spark you to view the world in beautifully skeptical and unfailingly curious ways.”

    -- Kristen Machczynski, Research and Innovation
    GEMS World Academy-Chicago

  • “One of the most powerful pieces was how some of the students who struggled most with literacy skills and feeling comfortable participating in the classroom deeply engaged with this lesson. The whole class, but those kids especially, blew us away with their depth of thought and ability to analyze the media developed by Project Look Sharp.”

    -- Nicole Waskie-Laura, Director
    Broome-Delaware-Tioga BOCES

  • "What an impact my internship at Project Look Sharp had on me and my career/life path, igniting a passion for media literacy which evolved into a passion for health literacy. I weave media and health literacy into each class and have been working on research related to health literacy, medical mistrust, and related topics."

    -- Corinne McDaniels-Davidson, Director
    SDSU Institute for Public Health

  • “You couldn’t ask for a better model of how to integrate media literacy into a core curriculum area...Project Look Sharp has set the standard.”

    -- Faith Rogow, Founding President
    National Association for Media Literacy Education

  • “[Media Construction of War] is an excellent teaching tool, preparing students for a critical analysis of the media. It does not preach, but by asking provocative questions it leads students to think carefully and re-examine traditional ideas. In short, it fosters independent thinking, which, after all, should be the chief objective of a good education.”

    -- Howard Zinn, Historian
    Author of “A People's History of the United States"

We offer trainings and resources to
transform your instruction.

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