Featured Programming

What is Mindful IC?

Mindful IC is a community of mindfulness practitioners who are certified to teach different secular forms of mindfulness and meditation. Mindful IC offers meditation classes, drop-in meditation, Qigong practices, mindfulness retreats, and brings off-campus guest teachers to offer de-stress opportunities. We also offer “on demand” sessions for anyone in the IC community who would like us to come to their classes or meetings and offer mindfulness or de-stress opportunities for their students or colleagues. You will also see us lead the all-College “Mindful Minute” at the beginning of College-wide meetings. Mindful IC is led by Anne Stork, Diana Dimitrova, Eric Machan Howd, Julia Lapp, and Mary Ann Erickson. Please contact Diana Dimitrova if you have questions about Mindful IC. We look forward to connecting! 

Additional Online Resources

The Ithacan features noon hour meditation in the Chapel.