Ordering a Diploma

You can order your replacement diploma through Parchment.  You will have the option to choose between an e-diploma or a paper diploma.  Please note that there are fees associated with ordering.  E-diplomas are $6.00 and paper diploma's are $25.00.  If you request expedited shipping on a paper diploma a shipping fee may also be applied. Expedited shipping is not available for Apostille Diploma orders. 

Please note that sales tax may be applied based on your location for digital orders, or delivery address for print orders.

We are also able to offer Apostille Diplomas if needed.  This is a NYS certification that allows the document to be recognized outside of the US.  Please follow the instructions below if you need to order your apostille diploma. 

Instructions to Request an Apostille Diploma

  • Before your order your Apostille Diploma through Parchment please email registrar@ithaca.edu - include your Name, Student ID or date of birth, current address and indicate the documents for which you need an Apostille - a diploma, a transcript or both.
  • Parchment cannot process rush orders for Apostille Diplomas. For more information on different delivery options, email registrar@ithaca.edu.
  • If you are requesting an Apostille diploma, you have two options:
    • Mail us your diploma, we will have it notarized and mail it back to you. There will be no charge for this. Please include a statement indicating that you need this document notarized as an Apostille.
    • Visit the Parchment Website to order a printed diploma from our diploma partner.
      Select "Yes" for Apostille. Not available on e-diplomas.
  • Once you have your notarized documents back from us, you will need to send them to the Tompkins County Clerk, 320 N Tioga St., Ithaca, NY 14850 with a check payable to Tompkins County Clerk in the amount of $3.00 for each document. You can contact them at 607-274-5431 for additional information.
  • Once the documents have been returned to you from the Tompkins County Clerk's office you will need to send them to New York State. Complete the Apostille/Certificate of Authentication Request Form required for New York State found on the NYS website. The mailing address will be on this form. NY State will charge $10.00 for each diploma and/or transcript.