Address and Phone Numbers

Mailing Address

Ithaca College
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Ithaca College has no central operator service. However, you can acquire specific telephone numbers by calling the information desk or by searching our online directories.

General Information - (link is a phone number)(607) 274-3011
Student Information - (link is a phone number)(607) 274-3201

Important Notes

Ithaca College has a 607 area code.

Dial (link is a phone number)911 from any campus phone for all emergencies.

Emergency Notification System

Students, faculty, and staff may visit the ENS site to provide contact information, such as phone numbers and SMS text messaging numbers, for use only in the event of an emergency.

Emergency Closing Hotline

(link is a phone number)(607) 274-1495

Call the hotline for recorded information about any emergency closings of the College caused by hazardous weather conditions, fire, flood, power failure, or any other cause.

Website Questions

Questions regarding the website can be sent to: