Terms & Glossary

Legal Name
The name that appears on a student's passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, or social security card.

Preferred Name/Chosen Name
The name a student uses that is different than their legal name.

Academic Calendar
A list of important academic dates and deadlines including course registration (add/drop, declare S/D/F, withdraw); holidays and breaks; final exams.

Add/Drop Period
Students may add and drop classes to their registration until one week after the semester starts without penalty or changes to their transcript.

Reading Day
A day before final exams begin to allow students to study.

The period of time in the academic year divided between the fall and spring months. A semester is typically 15 weeks long.

A formal ceremony for incoming first-year students to welcome them to Ithaca College.

A rival football game played between Ithaca College and SUNY Cortland.

Fountain Jump
A traditional event prior to graduation where students from the senior graduating class jump into the fountains in front of Dillingham Hall.

A time prior to the start of school to help new students get familiar with the campus and meet their classmates through activities.

A course taught online without a standard meeting time.

Audit a Class
Take a class without receiving a grade for it. The credits for the class are included in the maximum of 18 credits per semester.

The semester is broken into sections. Full semester is all 15 weeks; Block I is the first half of the semester; Block II is the second half of the semester.

Class Schedules
A list of classes that are offered for a specific semester.

Clinical Education
Programs that allow students to practice their skills under supervision of a practitioner. Most common in the healthcare field.

An additional smaller class that is part of a lecture to do additional work beyond the lecture class.

Drill Session
An additional class that is made up of repetitive exercises or activities.

When a student is placed in the workforce in their field of study to gain experience in that specific area.

When a class is taught online and in-person on a set schedule.

An additional, individual course component that supplements larger lectures that often involves hands-on applications of concepts and theories.

When a class is taught in person in a classroom setting.

Linked Courses
Two sections that must be taken together and registered for at the same time. Typically, a course that has a lab section that is associated with a lecture section.

Online Course
When a course will be taught through Canvas online either synchronous or asynchronous.

A supervised course in a specialized field of study to give students a practical application of a studied field.

Private Lesson
An instructional class that music students take to learn how to play an instrument or build upon their previous lessons to increase their level of ability.

A two-digit number associated with a specific subject code and course number.

A discussion group that talks about a particular topic.

Student Class Schedule
A list of courses a student registers for the semester.

This is a type of classroom for hands-on learning such as art, filmmaking, and acting.

A professor's outline for the class structure, assignments, required textbooks, and institution-wide and classroom specific rules and regulations.

When an online course is taught online with a standard meeting time.

A teaching session given to a small group of students to help coach students in the subject of the course.

Where students develop a skill related to the course of study.

Academic Policies Committee (APC) reviews, maintains, and improves policies and procedures affecting academic policy and curriculum. This is an Ithaca College Committee.

Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee (IEBS) - A group of staff, faculty, and senior leadership that focus on the budget.

An Ithaca College partner where students can order their official transcripts to be sent somewhere else.

Marching Order

Academic Catalog
A yearly publication of a full academic calendar year that begins in the fall semester which includes college policies, mission statements, major/minor requirements, course descriptions, admission, financial aid, student, general, faculty, and administration information. Students who begin in that academic year follow the major/minor requirements within that catalog.

A code that has a distinct emphasis associated with a course to allow the course to be applied toward a specific requirement.

This is when a course needs to be taken with another course during the same semseter. Students must register for both courses at the same time.

Course Number
A unique five-digit number used to identify a specific course. (ex: 10100)

Credit Hours
The number of instructional classroom hours per week.

General Education Courses
A broad range of courses on topics including fine art, social science, natural science, and humanities.

Independent Study Course
A course associated with credits that is developed by the student and school official which is different from a course that is offered by the institution.

Internship Experience
A short-term job that is secured to gain experience in the field of work associated with the student's field of study. Students may receive credit for their work experience based on the major requirements. Can be paid or unpaid.

Physical Activity, Leisure, and Safety (PALS) courses. No more than 6 credits of PALS credits are allowed per student.

A course necessary to take prior to another course.

Subject Code
Four letters that describe the area of study. (ex. PSYC)

Graduate Degree
Master's or Doctorate Degree.

Undergraduate Degree
Associate's or bachelor’s degree.

A course taken in your last semester that is an opportunity for you to articulate your college experience.

Catalog Year
Students will follow the requirements from the catalog they entered their major in. If a student changes their major, their catalog year will update to the current academic catalog for that year.

A structured plan of study that includes a minimum of five courses for at least 15 credits and is within a student’s major discipline.

Degree Audit
A list of your degree, major, and minor requirements.

Dual Degree
Earning more than one degree (two diplomas) at the same time (concurrently). Students need to earn a minimum of 150 credits to graduate.

Dual Major
When a student has two majors with the same degree type (one diploma). Students need to earn a minimum of 120 earned credits to graduate.

Additional courses the student can take outside of their major or minor.

Expected Graduation Date
The date the student's degree will be conferred if all requirements are completed.

Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) - A set of thought-provoking academic experiences designed to help students connect concepts across disciplines. The courses taken are woven through every step of the academic journey.

Liberal Arts
A broad field of study that include humanities, arts, and sciences, fostering critical thinking and communication, and creative problem-solving skills.

A required area of study or specialization needed to complete a degree.

Major/Minor Curriculum
A designed series of courses, exams, experiences a student completes while pursuing a degree.

A structured plan of study that includes a minimum of five courses for at least 15 credits and is outside the specific discipline in which the student is majoring.

When a graduate student takes a course(s) instead of doing a research project.

Residency Requirement
Students must complete a minimum of 48 credits toward their degree and a minimum of 50% of the required credits in their major, must be completed at Ithaca College.

A research project on a given topic typically done at the graduate level.

Associates Degree
A two-year program with a minimum of 60 earned credits.

Bachelor of Arts
An area that focuses on majors in humanities and social science field of study.

Bachelor of Fine Arts
An area that focuses on majors in visual, fine, or performing arts field of study.

Bachelor of Music
An area that focuses on majors in music field of study.

Bachelor of Science
An area that focuses on majors in science and math field of study.

Bachelor's Degree
A four-year program with a minimum of 120 earned credits.

Doctorate of Physical Therapy
An area of specialization in the field of physical therapy.

Master of Art in Teaching
An area of specialization in the field of teaching.

Master of Business Administration
An area of specialization in the field of business administration.

Master of Fine Arts
An area of specialization in the field of visual, fine, or performing arts.

Master of Music
An area of specialization in the field of music.

Master of Science Degree
An area of specialization in the field of science.

Master of Teaching
An area of specialization in the field of teaching.

AP Exams
Advanced Placement (AP) - Receive college credit for taking an exam in a specific subject while in high school through the College Board.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) - Receive college credit for taking an exam on a specific topic through the College Board.

Final Exam
A test taken at the end of the semester in a course that is usually a culmination of the semester's work.

IB Exam
International Baccalaureate (IB) - Receive college credit for taking an exam from an international program in high school in a specific subject.

Course Waiver Substitution(CWS)
When another course is substituted for a required course, or a required course is waived in the degree audit.

Academic Advisor
A college professor or staff person who understands the requirements for the students' major(s), minor(s), and ICC and help students choose courses accordingly.

Adjunct Faculty/Professor
Adjunct faculty are professors who work independently from the college and teach a limited number of classes.

Professors who teach academics on a regular basis with the college or as an adjunct.

The chief academic officer of the college who oversees all academic policy and procedures.

Resident Assistant (RA) - A student that is responsible for the overall supervision of a residence hall floor.

RES Life
Residential Life is the home of all on campus housing.

Senior Leadership Team (SLT) - Comprised of the president and vice-presidents of each division in the college.

Are often students who work for tutoring services and excel in a subject matter and help other students with that subject.

Work Study
A program allowing students to work for the institution as part of their financial aid.

Final Grades
A grade given by the instructor at the end of the semester for a course. The grade is based on a scale where an A = 4.0.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
A culmination of the average of a student's final grades over a period of time. It is calculated based on a 4.0 scale system and the number of credit hours taken.

When a professor gives a student more time to complete work before they receive a grade for a course.

Mid-Term Grades
A grade that is given out to students to let them know where they stand halfway through the semester. They are not calculated into the student's final GPA or listed on their transcript.

No Grade Submitted (NGS) - When a professor does not submit a grade for a course by the grade submission deadline.

Pass/Fail Course
A course where no letter grade is given. You only earn credits for a course you complete satisfactorily.

Satisfactory (S) /D/F - Students may take a course, not for a major or minor, as Satisfactory (S), or a letter grade of D or F. This is not the same as taking a class as Pass/Fail.

Cum Laude
Latin honor where students must have 60 earned credits at Ithaca College and a GPA of 3.500 - 3.699.

Dean's List
A list of students who have achieved a high academic standing based on the institution’s qualifications.

Latin Honors
A level of distinction given to graduated undergraduate students.

Magna Cum Laude
Latin honor where students must have 60 earned credits at Ithaca College and a GPA of 3.700 - 3.899.

Summa Cum Laude
Latin honor where students must have 60 earned credits at Ithaca College and a GPA of 3.900 or above.

Career Services
Help students make connections and coach them for life after college.

Office of Extended Studies (OES) – The office students go to for winter and summer sessions, exchange programs with Cornell University and Wells College, Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), learning as a non-matriculated (extramural) student, professional certificates, pre-college programs, and pre-first-semester programs (e.g., IC Advantage program).

Registrar's Office
The department that is responsible for a student's academic record located on the 2nd floor of the Peggy Ryan Williams Building.

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Facilitate access for students with disabilities at Ithaca College.

Student Financial Services (SFS) - The department that helps student with the finances of college.

ICC Artifact
A statement on the learning outcome for an ICC requirement.

Perspectives are the ways humans view and interact with the world around them. There are 4 difference perspectives which are associated with a Theme. They are: Creative Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences

Themes provide a distinct set of questions and issues that students examine through each of the four Perspectives. Themes are Identities; Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation; Mind Body Spirit; The Quest for a Sustainable Future; A World of Systems; and Power and Justice.

Writing Intensive
A course which has the ability to help develop and articulate content knowledge and critical thinking through frequent practice of informal and formal writing.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Students in a postsecondary institution have the right to limit who has access of their educational record. The student must give consent to have their educational record released to parents.

Taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as your own. It is unethical and can result in consequences from the professor or institution.

Student Handbook
A student resource on Ithaca Colleges academic policies, disciplinary policies and procedures, student expectations and information about other student services.

Institutions that have been formally assessed by local or national governance that affirms the institution has met the criteria of the educational needs of the accrediting organization.

A certification of authentication from New York State to validate your transcript or diploma as a true document.

Conferral Date
The date written on the diploma and transcript as being graduated.

A certificate of completion when the student earns their degree.

An electronic version of the student’s diploma that can be validated.

Electronic Transcript
An electronic version of the student's official transcript.

Enrollment Verification
A letter that includes the entirety of the student's enrollment history at Ithaca College

This is an official document with a complete list of coursework taken by the student that includes grades and institutional academic achievements listed semester by semester. All majors/concentrations/minors/degrees awarded are listed.

Course Override
Special permission to be able to register for a class.

Course Reference Number (CRN) - A unique identifying number assigned to each section of a course being taught for that semester. This number changes every semester.

Extramural Student (also known as non-matriculated Student)
The term used for a student who enrolls in a course or two at an institution with no intention of completing a degree program.

Full-time Status
When a student is registered for 12 or more credits in one semester.

Holds on Account
This may prevent you from registering for future terms. It could be an account balance, missing address or missing high school transcript.

IC E-mail
This is the main email Ithaca College students can use to communicate with faculty, staff, and classmates. This is the only email the Office of the Registrar will accept student, staff, and faculty requests from.

Leave of Absence
When a student does not attend their matriculated college for a semester or two, then resumes their studies at that institution.

Matriculated Student
When a student enrolls at an institution with the intention of completing a formal degree program.

Non-matriculated Student (also known as Extramural)
When a student enrolls in a course or two at an institution with no intention on completing a degree program.

Part-time Status
When an undergraduate student is registered for less than 12 credits in one semester.

Registration Access Code (RAC) - A code that allows students to register after meeting with their advisor. This is for students in H & S, Recreation Leisure Studies, Pre-Health Professions, and current first year students in the School of Business.

Period of time students add classes to create their schedule.

Time Ticket
The time a student can register for the upcoming semester, based on earned credit hours.

Transfer Credit
Courses taken at another institution that are transferred into Ithaca College as either electives or as a specific course.

Variable Credit
Certain courses are offered for a range of credits, the student enters the exact number of credits they are taking the class for during registration.

When a course is full, students can place themselves on a list to register for the class if space becomes available.

Withdrawal from a Class
A student can withdraw from a course after the add/drop period is over until 3/4 of the semester has completed. A letter of "W" will be displayed on the transcript. The credits are not included toward earned credits or applied to the GPA. Credits are considered attempted credits for the semester the course was taken.

Withdrawal from the College
A formal notice that a student wishes to terminate their enrollment at the college permanently.

This is a website that hosts several Ithaca College applications to log into from one site.

This is an application students and faculty use for coursework and if students are taking an on-line course this is the application they would use to log into their class.

An application that displays your degree audit.

A software application students use to access their academic record, financial record, housing information, degree evaluation, personal information, and register for classes.

IC Workflow
This is an application students and staff can use to submit forms such as change of major/minor, expected graduation date, petition for transfer credit, update HomerConnect profile information, and many more.

Marching Order
A website students will register to participate in the December and May Commencements.

Ithaca College’s online survey research tool.

Students upload their e-Portfolio and ICC artifacts to this application.

Look-Ahead Feature
In DegreeWorks students can enter future courses to see where they fit in their degree audit.

Student Educational Planner
A tool in DegreeWorks students can map out each semester to keep them on-track to graduate on time.

In DegreeWorks, students can select another major to see what the requirements are for that major.

Room and Board
Room is the housing options and Board is the food options (Meal Plans) for on campus living.

The investment in a student's college education.

Application for Degree
The student indicates how they want their name to appear on the diploma and where to mail it. The form is completed one semester prior to graduation.

Petition for Transfer Credit (PTC) - A form that needs to be completed to allow a course from another institution to transferred into Ithaca College.

A group of students working through a curriculum together towards the same degree.

Exploratory Student
When a student is deciding what area of study they would like to concentrate in. Students can take a wide variety of coursework to see what fits best for them.

First-Gen College Student
A student who is the first generation in their family to earn a college degree.