Using Park School Facilities

The Park School has more than $4 million of assets in specialized labs, studios, and portable equipment.  Access to our labs and to checking out equipment requires a Park Card, and you are authorized to use specific equipment based on the classes in which you are enrolled.

Please read through our Safety & Protocols for PPECS & MCR.

Please refer to the Park Portable Equipment (PPECS) Handbook document (link below) for important policies and procedures.  Forms to reserve equipment and schedule the downtown studio are at the bottom of this page.

file-outline Park Portable Equipment (PPECS) Handbook - Fall 2022 Park User Guide Online_1 (pdf)

Reserving space and equipment

Park Portable Equipment Center and Services (PPECS) is located on the ground floor of Park Hall adjacent to the entrance.


Launch the Patron Portal reservation site window.

The Reception Room (Park 223) is scheduled separately by the Dean's Office. Contact April Johanns (Park 335)

Park Auditorium is scheduled separately by the Portable Equipment and Facilities Manager, Ryan Berryann. (607-274-1631

All users of Park School portable equipment & facilities must comply with policies, staff (including student employee) requests, & rules set by the Roy H. Park School of Communications. Failure to comply may result in judicial proceedings. Changes in policies &/or procedures may or may not be physically posted. Ignorance of policies or rules will not exempt their application or enforcement.

Reserving Equipment

  • Reservations can be made via the Patron Portal noted above
  • You need a valid Park Card (& Ithaca College ID) to use or reserve most facilities or portable equipment. These cards are non-transferable.
  • The user under whose name the equipment is out, assumes financial responsibility for the replacement cost of all lost equipment on his or her order.
  • Deliberate misrepresentation in order to gain access to facilities &/or equipment will result in indefinite suspension of privileges and judicial referral for both the card holder & the fraudulent user.  A violator transferring his or her Park Card (&/or its associated equipment or services) & or a user benefiting from such a transfer will accrue the following penalties: your privileges and your Park Card will be suspended for at least 4 full business days following the incident; all future reservations will be canceled, and judicial proceedings may follow.
  • All PPECS reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. All PPECS Pro reservations must be made at least 72 hours in advance
  • Some requests may require an authorized signature.

Returning Equipment

  • If equipment is overdue or a user does not arrive for a facility or equipment reservation, the user under whose name the reservation was made will accrue the following penalties: Privileges will be suspended for a minimum of 3 full business days accrued from the time the delinquency is discovered & resolved, all unresolved reservations will be cancelled, and your Park Card will be held until the suspension period has expired.
  • Equipment & facilities must be returned or checked in by the person under whom the equipment or facilities were reserved. You must leave labs or facilities you reserved no later than 15 minutes before Master Control closes.

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance

Students shooting photography, film or video somewhere besides the Ithaca College campus may be asked to show proof of liability insurance.  Unfolding news events are exempted (car accidents, visiting dignitaries, etc.) for news teams recording the event for upcoming news shows.

Each film/video shoot requires insurance every time the shoot is held off the College property.  The IC Risk management office requires a minimum of 10 days to process a request.
Additional permits may be required depending on the location of your shoot  for example. Cornell's campus or other private property.

file-outline Studio Downtown - studiodowntown (docx)
file-outline Model/Talent Release - model_comp (pdf)
file-outline GE Reservation Form - GE Reservation Form 9.19.19 (doc)
file-outline Film Photo Request - PPECS-PRO_AdvancedFilmPhoto Request_ 91919 (docx)
file-outline Camera Request - PPECS-PRO_AdvancedCameraRequest_ 91919 (docx)
file-outline Audio Reservation - Advanced Audio Reservation Sheet 91919 (doc)
file-outline Location Release Agreement - location-release-agreement (docx)