The versatility of the IMC major allows for students to become involved in Ithaca College Television and Ithaca College Broadcasting

By Hailey Schwartz, ‘21, November 8, 2021
When first-year students walk into Student Organization Recruitment Week events for their first time, they have no idea what is really going on. The scene is chaotic.

Hailey Schwartz

Lauren DiPrima (left) and Nick Reyes (right) prepare to host the newest episode of ICTV’s “Game Over.”

Tables are lined around the perimeter of the room. Behind each of the tables, students are holding signs, standing on chairs and clamoring to grab the attention of the students in front of the tables. The first-year students may feel a bit out of place as they make their way around the room. Some students start to ponder whether or not they, as Integrated Marketing Communications majors, will be able to fit in at Ithaca College Television and Ithaca College Broadcasting.

Everybody knows it. Choosing a major is the most difficult aspect of starting college. The IMC major is one of the largest majors in the Roy H. Park School of Communications. With cross-disciplinary classes in marketing, advertising and public relations, the IMC major is the perfect fit for students who aren’t quite sure what specific communications field they want to go into. The IMC major is versatile to such an extent that students are even able to explore opportunities outside the major through organizations such as Ithaca College Television and Ithaca College Broadcasting.

Traditionally, ICTV and ICB are co-curricular organizations, most closely associated with the Television-Radio and Film majors within the Park School. While these majors are associated with the aforementioned organizations that does not mean that there aren’t opportunities for students in other majors.

“As a first-year student, I had no intention of attending the ICTV recruitment night. I didn’t think that there would be any opportunities for me. Boy, was I wrong,” said Hailey Schwartz, IMC ‘21 and former producer of ICTV’s “Game Over.”

“As an IMC major, it is not at all difficult to become involved with either ICTV or ICB. Not only are both organizations open to the entire student body, but also when you join ICTV, you're taught everything that you have to know. The only things you need to have are the passion, the ability, the curiosity and the want to learn,” said Chloe Landau, IMC ‘20 and former producer of ICTV’s “Game Over.”

Additionally, many of the skills learned in the IMC program are applicable to both ICTV and ICB. Whitney Rosenfeld, IMC ‘21 and former social media coordinator for ICB,  said: “I was able to bring skill sets in analytics, advertising, promotion, content curation and digital marketing learned in the classroom to a forward-facing environment. Without the IMC program, I would not be nearly as well-rounded in my approach to strategizing and marketing for the radio station.”  


A behind the microphone view of the ICB studio.

So, if first-year IMC majors are wondering whether or not organizations such as ICTV and ICB are going to be a fit for them, they should know that there is a place for them whenever they decide to become involved.

Founded in 1958 as the first student-run cable television station, Ithaca College Television is Ithaca College’s TV channel. ICTV’s programming reaches about 26,000 households in Tompkins County. For more information about Ithaca College Television, visit

Ithaca College Broadcasting is a radio station licensed for air and owned by Ithaca College. Founded in 1947, ICB broadcasts an alternative music format to the greater Ithaca area. For more information about Ithaca College Broadcasting, visit