ICC Capstone courses provide students with the opportunity to develop the final artifact for their e-portfolios, in which they reflect on the integration of the ICC with their major and/or minor course of study at Ithaca College. H&S students may satisfy the ICC capstone requirement in one of two ways:

  1. some programs have developed or are developing discipline-based capstone courses, and in some cases have added these into the degree requirements for the major; these department-based courses have the appropriate Capstone designation;
  2. for students in programs or departments without discipline-based capstone options, the School of Humanities and Sciences offers a one-credit school-based capstone course, IISP 49800 H&S Integrative Core Curriculum Capstone. Multiple sections of this course will be offered each year, taught by faculty drawn from across the school.

Departments with Capstones

DepartmentMajors requiring capstone courseCourse
Art Art B.A., B.F.A.ART 40000 Theory and Practice 4
Art HistoryArchitectural Studies B.A.ARTH 48000 Senior Portfolio: Architectural Studies
BiologyBiology B.A., B.S.
Recommended, not required
BIOL 41400 Biology Capstone
BiochemistryBiochemistry B.S.BIOC 48100 Current Topics in Biochemistry
ChemistryChemistry B.A., B.S.CHEM 48800 Chemistry Capstone
Computer ScienceComputer Science B.A., B.S.
Recommended, not required
COMP 49500 Capstone in Computer Science
Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and EthnicityRace, Power, and Resistance B.A.CSCR 43400 Capstone in Race, Power, and Resistance
Literatures in EnglishEnglish B.A.
Recommended, not required
ENGL 40000 Capstone in English
EnvironmentEnvironmental Studies B.A. 
Environmental Sciences B.S.
ENVS 47500 Advanced Environmental Studies Seminar
HistoryHistory B.A.HIST 45000 History Seminar and Capstone
Integrative StudiesIntegrative Studies B.A., B.S.INST 40000 Integrative Studies Capstone
MathematicsMathematics B.A. 
Mathematics B.S.
MATH 49800 Capstone in Mathematics I

Philosophy B.A.,
Philosophy minor

Religious Studies B.A.,
Religious Studies minor

PHIL 41000 Philosophy Capstone

RLST 41000 Religious Studies Capstone

PhysicsPhysics B.A., B.S.
Recommended, not required
PHYS 41400 Professional Physics and Astronomy Seminar Capstone
PsychologyPsychology B.A.
Applied Psychology B.S.
PSYC 49200 Senior Seminar in Psychology
Screen CulturesScreen Cultures B.A.SCRE 45000 Screen Cultures Capstone
SociologySociology B.A.SOCI 48400 Quantitative Capstone or SOCI 48500 Qualitative Capstone 
World Languages, Literatures & CulturesWorld Languages and Cultures B.A.LNGS 40000 Capstone in World Languages and Cultures
WritingWriting B.A.WRTG 41500 Senior Seminar

For more information about Capstone course options for H&S students, please contact the H&S General Education Committee at hscurriculum@ithaca.edu.