Ali Erkan

Departments & Programs:

Studying Mathematics & Computing:

Students explore mathematical theory and application, solve complex problems, build models, and investigate real data. They immerse themselves in data science, game design, virtual and mixed reality, web, mobile, machine learning, recommendation systems, artificial intelligence, computer vision, robotics, geographic information systems, and more. An education in mathematics and computing is expansive and applicable across the fields, such as those in art, science, engineering, and economics. Whether delving into theoretical or abstract problems or working with tangible problems, students develop a stronger understanding of the world and themselves. 

What careers do students in mathematics and computing pursue?

Our alumni work as data scientists, software engineers, technology engineers, consultants, financial analysts, operations researchers, medical scientists, and as leaders in government agencies and national laboratories. They work at organizations, such as, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Blizzard, Linux Red Hat, EA Games, the MIT Lincoln Lab, Lockhead Martin, CBS, Bungie, IBM’s Watson Lab, Dassault Systèmes, and more. Our graduates develop intellectual flexibility. They can adapt to constantly changing circumstances, and they have the confidence and imagination to envision solutions to our society's most pressing problems. They go on to become active, compassionate members of their communities and knowledgeable leaders in their fields, equipped with an invaluable understanding of the relationship between the day-to-day work they do and its impact on the larger world.