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Hands-On Research Across Biological Disciplines

Undergraduate participation in original research is a central tenet of our philosophy as a department.

All faculty research labs are a direct collaboration between faculty members and our undergraduate students, giving our students the opportunity to engage in real scientific inquiry in a broad range of disciplines.  We provide four different levels of research courses to engage students during the academic year, as well as support summer scholars.  

Professional Results

Research efforts by majors in the department often result in publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Over the past five years, 40 undergraduates in the program coauthored scientific papers.  Ithaca College Biology and Biochemistry students annually participate in national and regional undergraduate conferences, particularly the National Conference on Undergraduate Research and the Eastern Colleges Science Conference, both of which have been hosted by Ithaca College in recent years.  Many students also join their mentors to present findings at professional scientific meetings, such as the Society for Neuroscience, the American Society of Plant Biologists, the Animal Behavior Society, and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  

Biology Research Opportunities for Fall 2024

Research in Biology as an academic course is offered at different levels of research:

  • BIOL-290 level is Introductory / Continuing research (1-2 credits) (for students starting research -or- for students beginning research in a new lab). You can do 290 either before or after having done 302/390. You can take this course multiple times if you are continuing research in a lab.
  • 302 (BIOL) or 390 (BIOCHEM) is the Required semester of research (3 credits), usually taken in the junior year.
  • 401/402 is Advanced Honors research (1-3 credits) after having completed 302 or 390. This can be in the same lab where you did 302/390 or in a new lab. There is a separate process for requesting honors.

Read the project descriptions carefully.  Look at the faculty's full web pages for greater details.

If you are interested in any of these, see how you register and are placed you in the appropriate level of research and an appropriate lab.


NOTE:  How to Register for BIOCHEMISTRY Research

Deadlines for Fall 2024 Research

Biology and Biochemistry research.