
To prioritize potential program changes, to strategically use the information developed, and to identify paths of action for program improvement.

Time Commitment

One department meeting


1. Log into the Qualtrics CMTS Primary Tool and complete the remaining questions. Once you do so, a custom report will be sent to your email address, summarizing all of the conclusions that your department reached on program’s strengths and potential weaknesses.

***IMPORTANT – When you receive your custom report, it is important to save it, as you will not be able to access the Qualtrics CMTS Primary Tool again***

2. Provide your colleagues access to the following resources

VIDEO 7 – Curriculum Development as an Ongoing Project

Your custom report, generated on completion of the Qualtrics CMTS Primary Tool

Inform your colleagues that the video is only 5 minutes long and that you would want to gain their perspectives on the custom report that the CMTS generated for your program. Suggest that colleagues watch the video in advance of the meeting, but in case any member was not able to view the video, it might be helpful to watch it as a collectivity.

3. In the meeting, focus on the report and the collective conclusions on program strengths and potential weaknesses.

  • Guide your colleagues to consider:
    • What must change?
    • What should change?
    • What should not change?
  • Guide your colleagues to prioritize action steps
  • Guide your colleagues to identify timeframes and leadership responsibilities to move knowledge to action. Identify challenges that may be encountered and how best to meet those challenges for actions identified as priorities.