Faculty and Staff Education / student support
- Department faculty will meet with Dr. Elizabeth Bleicher and other representatives from the Center for Student Success to discuss strategies to better support struggling students.
student education
- Our department now has a CAPS faculty liaison who distributes information to faculty to share with students about mental health support on campus.
Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Instructors in the department are experimenting with alternative grading practices that are more equitable, increase student motivation, and emphasize authentic learning (over earning "points").
- A team of faculty, staff, and students submitted a proposal to the administration requesting funds to renovate CNS 204 (one of our main classrooms). The proposed renovations would address safety concerns, improve aesthetics, and dramatically enhance the learning experience by creating a classroom uniquely suited to active learning. If funded, the renovations will be completed over Summer 2024.
DEI Leadership
- The department is working on creating a DEI Coordinator position, description pending.