Theatre Studies Application Requirements

These materials must be uploaded as part of the Acceptd application.

Required Materials

  • A brief résumé that includes experiences in recent years that you believe would be helpful as the starting point for a conversation. You might include activities you’ve been involved in, honors and awards received, as well as other interests.
  • A personal response (written) answering one (1) of the following prompts:
    1. How do you envision the role of theatre in contemporary society?
    2. Discuss a play you read or live performance you attended that shifted your perspective on a social issue, person, or event.
    3. Most Theatre Studies majors combine their interests in theatre with studies in other departments and schools. What interests might you want to combine with theatre? What initially sparked your interest in the outside field(s).
      • Responses should be no more than 1200 words.
      • Please include which prompt you are responding to.

Optional Materials

  • A current headshot or recent photo, so we can recognize you at your interview. This does not need to be a professional photograph.

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