Music Minor

The Ithaca College Music Minor is designed to provide students interested in music with a foundation in musical skills, further advancement on a primary instrument, and experience of shared music making by performing in an ensemble. The minor is an excellent way for students to maintain or develop their interest in music while also pursuing other areas of study.

Applicants are required to audition for the Music Minor on a primary instrument.

How to Audition for the Music Minor

Applicants interested in the Music Minor can review application and audition information here.

Required Courses Taken Prior to Admission to the Music Minor

Please review the catalog for all course requirements.

Students are welcome to take required introductory coursework prior to admission into the Music Minor. Such coursework will be credited toward the minor once the student is accepted into the program. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in Intro to Music Studies.

Private lessons for the Music Minor (PFMJ XXX01) may not be scheduled prior to a successful audition.

Recommended Course Sequence

​​​​​​Students are requested to meet with the Music Minor advisor at the beginning of the minor to plan the semesters of private study.

Students typically enroll in ensemble during the semesters of private instrument study. Consecutive Fall/Spring semesters are advised for many ensembles, though exceptions can be made.

Many ensembles require an audition. Auditions typically take place in the Fall semester for both Fall and Spring ensembles. Find out more information about ensemble auditions here.


Find out more information about Center for Music lockers here.

Find out more information about reserving practice rooms in the Center for Music here.

Contact Us

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

(link is a phone number) 607-274-7300

Contact Us

Dr. Alex Reed, Music Minor advisor