Sport Management at Ithaca College

If you are interested in the business of sport and love to hear the roar of a crowded stadium you helped pack, you should consider a degree in Sport Management. Our well-established program (launched in 1990!) is known and respected by sport industry professionals across the country.
group of sport management students at the Super Bowl
Game On!

Equip yourself to become a leader in the sports industry.

Learn more about the degree

Why Sport Management at Ithaca College?

IC's Sport Management degree prepares students to be leaders all levels and in all types of sports – professional, inter-collegiate, amateur, and recreational. The curriculum blends courses in Sport Management with a general business education, focusing on sport marketing, sport agencies/law, facility management, front office management, event management, sales and promotions, sport retail, sport analytics, and international sport administration.

Department Faculty

Meet our highly qualified and diverse faculty members and learn more about their specialized professional sport industry work experiences.

Meet the Faculty

Real-world Experience

A hallmark of every School of Business degree program is an emphasis on experiential learning. Almost every course has some kind of practical learning opportunities. The Sport Management program has unparalleled relationships and access to place students at the center of the sport industry. Past students have participated in faculty-led internship experiences at the Winter and Summer Olympics, the Super Bowl, the World Baseball Classic, the NCAA Basketball Final Four, and a variety of NCAA national championship events. Understanding might begin in the classroom, but it flourishes in the real world.

Employment in the Industry

Ithaca College’s sport management degree is recognized among the nation’s premier programs, and our graduates are sought by organizations at all levels. More than 90% of IC Sport Management alumni (500+ people) are currently employed in the sport industry. 

Contact Us

Rachel Madsen, Chair
315 Park Center for Sustainable Enterprise
Ithaca College • 953 Danby Rd. • Ithaca, NY 14850

(link is a phone number) 607-274-7901