Lead on the National Stage

A year-long program that provides national recognition and additional leadership opportunities for public problem solvers.

The Newman Civic Fellowship is a year-long program, supported by Campus Compact, that provides national recognition and additional leadership opportunities for student public problem solvers from Ithaca College. The Fellowship honors the legacy of Campus Compact Founder Frank Newman by recognizing community-committed students who: 

  • Engage in collaborative action with others from campus and/or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change, 
  • Take action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization, and 
  • Demonstrate the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement. 

At Ithaca College, the Center for Civic Engagement collaborates with the President’s Office to identify and nominate a Newman Fellow each year, based on the student’s potential for public leadership and their work with communities.

Program Components

Throughout the fellowship year, Campus Compact and the Center for Civic Engagement provide Newman Civic Fellows with opportunities for learning and networking virtually and in person. Each opportunity is designed to help students learn to collaborate effectively across disciplines and to apply their skills to directly create positive change in their communities.  

Benefits of serving as a Newman Fellow include: 

  • Regular virtual events focused on skill development and professional learning 
  • An annual in-person Convening of Fellows 
  • One-on-one leadership development with a local mentor of their choice 
  • Connection to a nationwide network of engaged student leaders, both during and after the fellowship year 
  • Public national recognition 
  • Special scholarship and career opportunities 
  • Opportunities to present or publish work through Campus Compact 


Student nominees must: 

  • Be currently enrolled full-time in a graduate or undergraduate program at Ithaca College. 
  • Be in good academic standing. 
  • Have at least one year of coursework remaining and must be enrolled as a full-time student for the full duration of their fellowship. 
  • Have a demonstrated record of community service, leadership and/or public actions to create positive change. 
  • Commit to providing a short reflection piece to Campus Compact during their fellowship year. 
  • Commit to being present and fully engaged in offered fellowship activities. 
  • Commit to engage with the Center for Civic Engagement during the fellowship year to share the Newman experience with the campus community. 

Ithaca College Nomination Process

  1. Completed IC Application Form (submitted by student)  
  2. Nominee Resume (submitted by student) 
  3. Statement of support from IC faculty or staff member, in 300-500 words, describing how the student meets the criteria (submitted by staff/faculty member) 

The Office of the President and Center for Civic Engagement will use these materials to identify the student we nominate to represent Ithaca College as our Newman Civic Fellow and complete our institutional application to Campus Compact. 

Key Dates

Late fall every year, the Newman Fellow nomination process opens, and the Center for Civic Engagement announces an initial call for nominees (with reminders throughout the fall semester and beginning of spring semester. Internal nominations are due at the end of January and submitted to Campus Compact in late February. Anticipated dates for the 2024-2025 cycle are below. 

Important Dates Activities

October 2023 

Nomination form opens 

January 30, 2024 

Nominations due to the Center for Civic Engagement 

March 1, 2024 

Last day for IC to nominate students 

Early April 2024 

2023-2024 cohort publicly announced 

Mid-April 2024 


September 2024 

Fellowship begins 

Fall 2024 

National Convening of Newman Civic Fellows 

May 2025 

Fellowship ends