Who to Contact During a Crisis


Office of Public Safety (607-274-3333) If you have a life-threatening emergency and need immediate assistance, call the Office of Public Safety. Public safety is open 24-hours, 7 days a week.

Counseling and Psychological Services (607-274-3136)

  • Same Day Crisis Services 
    • During business Hours, CAPS is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM with Same Day Crisis Services from 1:30-3:30 PM.
  • After-Hours On-Call Services (607-274-3136 select #5) 
    • After-hours on-call services are available through our partner, Protocall, from 5 PM to 8:30 AM, Monday - Friday, and 24 hours/day on weekends, holidays, and campus closures. 
    • Licensed mental health counselors have been given detailed information about Ithaca College’s resources and they will make referrals as appropriate. CAPS will receive daily reports of calls taken by the after-hours on-call Counselor and may reach out to each caller the next business day to offer additional support. All reports are maintained as confidential records at CAPS.
    • Faculty, staff, and family members can also use this service if they have concerns about an IC student and are seeking guidance.

ICare and Student Support (607-274-7731)

  •  Any member of the IC Community (parents, students, staff, or faculty) is encouraged to use the online ICare Referral Form if they would like to access help for a student in distress. Consider submitting an Academic Concern Form if your concern for the student is academic related.
  • Please note: Referrals from this form are NOT monitored after-hours, on weekends, or during official Ithaca College holidays. Please contact the Office of Public Safety at 607-274-3333 if there is an immediate risk of harm to self or others prior to submitting this form.
  • The ICare webpage has guidelines for behaviors of concern for a student that may lead to an ICare or Academic Concern referral. 

Title IX (607-274-7761)

  • To report sexual misconduct, sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, relationship violence and stalking, contact a Title IX coordinator. Unlike Title IX and most other offices on campus, CAPS is a confidential resource and is not required to share information about sexual assault incidents. Find more information here.