Contact the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management by dialing 911 from any campus phone or 607-274-3333 from any other phone.
If you receive a bomb threat by telephone, here are some helpful things to keep in mind:
- Remain calm. When the bomb threat is received, the person taking the call must remain calm and obtain as much information as possible.
- DO NOT put the caller on hold.
- DO NOT attempt to transfer the call.
- The person taking the call should immediately notify another staff person in the office, preferably while the caller is still on the line.
- Pay attention to the caller and his/her words and speech: does the caller have any distinguishing voice characteristics such as an accent, stuttering or mispronunciations?
- Is the caller angry, excited, irrational or agitated?
- Is the caller a man or woman, young, middle-aged or old?
- If you have caller ID, note the phone number of the caller.
- Listen for background noises (traffic, train whistle, music, radio, TV, children, airplanes, etc).
- It is important to document all that you know and hear. This should include filling out the Bomb Threat Checklist (see below).
- Call the Office of Public Safety at 911 from a campus phone or 607-274-3333 from a cell phone.
- Do not evacuate until told to do so by the Office of Public Safety.
Bomb Threat Checklist
- Stay calm and collect all the information you can. Take notice of the caller’s voice and listen for any background noise.
- Name of call taker.
- Date and time received.
- Way threat was reported (telephone, e-mail, in person, by mail).
- Location threatened.
- Exact words used to make threat.
Questions to Ask the Person Making the Threat
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Who placed the bomb?
- Why was the bomb placed?
- Where are you calling from?