
By Ann Michel, FLEFF producer, February 19, 2022
The producer becomes a FLEFFista

Poster of Darwin's Nightmare (2004) by Hubert Sauper

Poster of Darwin's Nightmare (2004) by Hubert Sauper

In life, there are way too many films to choose from, concerts to go to, and books to read.

I learned a long time ago to put my attention span into the hands of those who have done a whole lot of pre-screening, selecting, and comparing. I am interested in people whose sensibilities invite challenge and people who love ideas.

This is why I have stayed involved with FLEFF for over twenty years. As Patty Z would put it; I am a “Fleffista.” A proud one.

I am a filmmaker and video producer. In my experience, every video shoot requires planning, professional execution, and follow up. Many people are involved and conditions on the ground can change on a dime. When it all syncs up, there is magic.

I have experienced that magic at FLEFF.

One makes little or no money working film festivals. Instead, the rewards are being part of something larger than one’s own world, abandoning one’s pre-conceptions, and stretching one’s world view.   

I’m so grateful for FLEFF, without which there is so much art I would not have seen and people I would not have met. As FLEFF producer, I get to hang out with the guests and discover ways to bring their artistry to the screen and to live events.

Success means creating wonder and giving participants a sense that their time has been well spent.

Tuba! zoom flash mob

Tuba! zoom flash mob 

Two FLEFF events have had real sticking power for me.

Darwin’s Nightmare (2004) was screened at Cinemapolis. I went knowing nothing about the film. The documentary uses the story of Nile perch fishing in Africa to open questions about international arms dealing and species extinction. This bizarre, true story about globalization evolved relentlessly on screen and has stayed with me ever since – a testament to brilliant storytelling.

Tuba! (2021), an event I had a hand in shaping last year, brought new sensibilities about this instrument to new audiences. For Tuba! we created a tuba flash mob on Zoom. It made me a fan of the tuba avant-garde. Who knew that such a thing even existed? 

Ann Michel

Ann Michel, FLEFF producer and President of Insights International

These days as we are so easily able to find a silo and world view to remain in. We can and do filter out that which is disturbing or difficult. There are way too many films to choose from, concerts to go to, and books to read.

Instead, I choose to put myself in the able hands of the FLEFFistas! I invite you to follow my lead!