H&S Dean's Office
Job Hall, 3rd Floor
Office Hours
8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Dare to Ask Big Questions

Learn About the School of Humanities and Sciences
Acquire the intellectual flexibility, confidence, and creativity to adapt to constantly changing circumstances.
Explore your passions in the social sciences, STEM, humanities, creative arts, and our uniquely flexible interdisciplinary majors.
With IC’s liberal arts approach, students engage meaningfully with today’s urgent questions while preparing for their careers.

In the School of Humanities and Sciences, your professors are also your collaborators, your mentors, and your cocreators.
Beyond the Classroom
Meet socially engaged change-makers and exuberant thinkers through clubs, societies, and events brimming with opportunity.
With social science majors, preprofessional programs, humanities majors, and more — H&S positions you to learn, grow, and thrive.
Join a community of eager learners, thoughtful researchers, and lifelong friends.
When you join our alumni community, you will carry opportunities for transformative collaboration and learning into your career, your relationships, and many other aspects of your life
Spotlights: The Ithaca College Story
News from Our School