Your affiliation with Ithaca College enables you to purchase computer hardware, software and accessories for personal use at an educational discount with the following vendors.
These discounts are available to students, faculty and staff as noted below. You will need to set up your own accounts with each vendor.
Apple Education Store for personal purchases
Available to current and newly accepted college students and their parents, as well as faculty and staff.
B&H EDU Advantage Program
EDU Advantage program created for students and educators, providing discounted pricing on products to students, staff and educators.
Dell Member Purchase Program
Dell’s Member Purchase Program offers Dell computers and thousands of other electronic and accessory items including TV’s, printers, cameras, ink, monitors, and much more.
HP Employee Purchase Program
HP Employee Purchase Program for education offers HP consumer products at discounted pricing.
Office 365 for Faculty and Staff
Free through Ithaca College’s Microsoft License Agreement. The latest Microsoft Office applications are available to staff and faculty for use on their personal computers, tablets, and phones.
Offering discounts on Microsoft, Adobe, SPSS, Parallels & more to IC students, faculty and staff members.
Technology eStore
The IC Bookstore has partnered with JourneyED’s to provide discounts for faculty and staff on software, hardware and accessory items.