Job Level Review and In Band Promotions

When positions are expanded to include new or additional responsibilities that broaden the scope and impact of the role, and may necessitate demonstration of different levels of competencies and job knowledge a job level change and/or in-band promotion may be warranted.

The following steps should be taken to initiate a job level review:

  1. Update the job description to reflect the expanded scope and responsibilities of the job and necessary competencies and job knowledge
  2. Review the job level using job level guidelines to determine appropriate job level assignment
  3. Consult with Human Resources to confirm the job level and identify the appropriate salary adjustment within the pay band

Following are general examples of changes in work that may result in a move in job level and in-band promotion:

Type of Change


  1. Addition or change of responsibilities that broaden the scope and impact of the job
  • Addition of a different functional area of responsibility
  • Assignment of advanced or specialized work within current profession or work area
  1. Assignment of new or additional responsibilities that necessitate demonstration of different levels of competencies and  job knowledge
  • Aquiring certifications or licensing and assuming related responsibilities
  • Use of new tools/software that changes the nature of the job responsibilities (e.g., introduction of new software adds analytical and reporting responsibilities to a job that did not previously have these responsibilities).

A change in job level will result in an in-band promotion with an appropriate salary increase. The amount of the increase is dependent on the availability of financial resources.