What would a successful strategic planning process accomplish?
The process will ensure that members of the IC community understand the mission, vision, and strategic direction of the institution.
IC community members will understand their own role in contributing to the vision and strategy.
The process will be inclusive and engaging, and build trust with the community.
The process will take into account our resources (financial and human) and result in a strategic pathway that is financially sustainable.
The process will consider and leverage our Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results (SOAR)
The process will acknowledge the need for alignment of our mission, vision, resources, people, curriculum, and student body.
What are the key questions that you expect the strategic planning process to answer?
How do we want to distinguish ourselves from other institutions?
What is the future of education and how does IC fit into that future?
How will we respond to changes in the demographic profile of future college students?
How will we respond to technological developments that influence teaching and learning?
How and in what ways do we need to emphasize IC as one college, and not only a collection of separate schools?
How will we develop the capacity to respond nimbly to external factors beyond our control?
What will be the role of the Board of Trustees in strategic planning?
The Board will charge the president, the senior team, and the community with ensuring that an effective and inclusive strategic planning process is taking place.
At Board meetings, the Board will have the opportunity to offer feedback on developing ideas and directions.
The Executive Committee of the Board will have more frequent updates about the work being done and will have the opportunity to offer feedback on developing ideas.
The process may engage individual Board members with specific and relevant expertise as appropriate.
The Board will formally approve the strategic framework and plan at the conclusion of the process.