Dr. Andy Smith’s research students (Biology) are in a news release onbreaking research

By Nancy Pierce, April 18, 2019

The research of biology students Rebecca Falconer (’19) and Chris Gallego Lazo (’19), undergraduate researchers in Dr. Andy Smith’s lab,  was highlighted in articles in Science Daily and EurekAlert! The articles summarized their work, which characterizes the structure and mechanics of a remarkable natural glue. This glue is produced as a defensive secretion by one species of terrestrial slug. Their work attempts to understand how the glue gains its remarkable sticking power and toughness. This information can be used to guide the development of novel medical adhesives and could lead to suture alternatives that are flexible and strong.   Rebecca and Chris were quoted extensively in the articles.

They presented their findings at the annual conference of the  American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Orlando.