Center for Faculty Research and Development (CFRD) Proposals Due

By Colette Matisco, February 20, 2020

Full-time, continuing faculty members are invited to submit proposals to the Center for Faculty Excellence for CFRD released time during the Spring 2021 semester.

While exceptional circumstances may be considered, these awards are generally intended for faculty whose regular teaching loads are 21 or more credit hours, and who receive no overload compensation or additional release time for scholarly/creative work during the academic year of the CFRD released time.

Proposals (including the Cover Sheet and no more than two single-spaced pages) must be submitted to deans—through department chairs—by Friday, February 14. Deans are asked to review the proposals and forward those deemed appropriate and competitive to the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett, by Monday, February 24.  For more information visit the CFE website.