Faculty Excellence Award Recipients

By Colette Matisco, April 30, 2020

On behalf of the Faculty Development Committee and the Center for Faculty Excellence, our sincere congratulations to the 2020 Faculty Excellence Award recipients:

Barbara Belyea, Clinical Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, HSHP
Katharine Kittredge, Professor, Department of English, H&S
Peyi Soyinka-Airewele, Professor, Department of Politics, H&S
James Mick, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education, Music
James Rada, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Park
Michael Richardson, Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, H&S 

Please join us in congratulating our colleagues for the remarkable achievements recognized with this award,
Carly Jo Hosbach-Cannon, Chair, Faculty Development Committee
Gordon Rowland, Director, Center for Faculty Excellence