Cast your vote for the winning video in the Wear A Mask New York Ad Contest- Voting closes on Monday! #WearAMaskNY

By Nancy Reynolds, May 21, 2020

The Governor's Office asked New Yorkers to help communicate why it is so important to wear a mask to stop the spread of coronavirus. Over 600 videos were submitted over a 2 week period from across the state as part of the "Wear a Mask New York Ad Contest."

Vote for your favorite among the five inspiring finalists! Voting closes May 25, and results will be announced May 26.

Cloth Face Coverings Guidance from the NYS Health Department:

Cloth face coverings can be fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low-cost, and should be used as a public health measure, beyond social distancing.

Individuals must procure, fashion, or otherwise obtain face coverings and wear them when they are in a public and are:

  • within six feet of distance from other individuals; or
  • in a situation or setting where they are unable to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals; or
  • in a public or private transportation carrier or for-hire vehicle.

When wearing cloth face coverings in public settings, where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community transmission, you should:

  • Make sure that they fit snugly and cover your nose and mouth.
  • Be changed frequently and laundered when they are soiled or wet.
  • Not become complacent with other protective measures.
  • Do not touch the cloth covering or face.
  • Continue to be vigilant with thorough and frequent hand washing with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer of 60%+ alcohol.
  • Practice respiratory etiquette and cover your coughs or sneezes.
  • Practice social distancing – even when wearing masks.

While cloth face coverings may not prevent the wearer from becoming infected, they might help slow spread from people who have the virus and are unaware. For more information on reducing the spread of coronavirus, check out these resources: