Webinars & Tech Tool modules complement the Summer Institute forfaculty

By Colette Matisco, August 2, 2020

A series of webinars offered by Library staff, and tech tool modules developed by TLT staff will be available as listed below. The Tech Intensive SU20 modules are self-paced and asynchronous, with optional orientations via Zoom. Both the webinars and modules complement the Summer Institute for faculty. Enrolling in the Institute is not necessary to participate in the webinars or access the modules.

Zoom links are given on the CFE Events Calendar as well as the Sakai Calendar of those enrolled in the Summer Institute. The Tech Tool modules will be available through a joinable Sakai site: Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai.

Wednesday, July 1st 2:00pm, access the recorded session.
Webinar Title: Real-time Assessment and Engagement for Hybrid Instruction
Description: Learn about tools for collecting both qualitative and quantitative data such as Mentimeter, Flipgrid, Kahoot!

Wednesday, July 8th 2:00pm, access the recorded session.
Webinar Title: Digital Storytelling and Curation
Description: Explore tools for assigning online collaborative projects to students that encourage engaging with image, sound, narrative maps, and digital media. Tools covered include StoryMap JS, Wakelet, Flipsnack

Tech Intensive SU20
All tech modules are self-paced with an optional Zoom orientation held at 10AM each Tuesday.

Sakai Site Development Training: the Lessons Tool
Opens 9AM, Tuesday, July 7. Join the Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai site.
Optional orientation 10AM. See the CFE Events Calendar for the link.

Video Lecture/Lecture Recording
Opens 9AM, Tuesday, July 14. Join the Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai site.
Optional orientation 10AM. See the CFE Events Calendar for the link.

Video Distribution with Kaltura
Opens 9AM, Tuesday, July 21. Join the Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai site.
Optional orientation 10AM. See the CFE Events Calendar for the link.

VoiceThread Training
Opens 10AM, Thursday, July 30. Join the Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai site.
Optional orientation 10AM. See the CFE Events Calendar for the link. 

Tests and Quizzes in Sakai
Opens 9AM, Tuesday, August 4. Join the Tech Intensives SU20 Sakai site.
Optional orientation 10AM. See the CFE Events Calendar for the link.

Summer Institute materials and recorded sessions continue to be available online. Faculty interested in consulting these can register by sending a note to cfe@ithaca.edu