Summer Institute Complementary Topics

By Colette Matisco, August 23, 2020

Four Summer Institute Complementary Topic sessions will be held August 4-21. For the Zoom links, see the CFE event calendar.

Anti-racist Course Policy Workshop
With Eleanor Henderson, Shaianne Osterreich, and Raul Palma
Monday, August 31, 11:00am–12:00pm

This follow-up to “Thinking about an anti-racist syllabus” invites participants to exchange drafts of their course policies from fall semester syllabi. Our goal is to consider how to break from a tradition rooted in white authority, which often depends on sticks and carrots to discipline students; implicitly oriented to serving future bosses in predominately white working spaces. Breaking this habit can reframe the student - teacher relationship and allow for more engaged student centered learning in an anti-racist classroom. Please be prepared to share short excerpts from your syllabus relating to course policies (attendance, late work, Zoom engagement, plagiarism, etc.). We’ll spend some time in breakout rooms as well as in full-group conversation. Anyone is welcome to join, though we recommend watching the recording of the first session if you weren’t able to attend. This recording and materials from the previous event can be found on the Summer Institute Sakai site in the Complementary Topics tab.

Previous Topics -
Recordings of, and materials from the past sessions are available on the Summer Institute Sakai site, under the Complementary Topics tab.

The IC Listening Project:  Supporting Student Well-Being in the Remote Environment
with Hilary Greenberger and Ron Dow
Tuesday, August 4, 2:00-3:15pm

In what ways can skilled listening strengthen our connection to students? How do we connect with our students remotely? Please join Ron Dow from the IC Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) who will focus on strategies to support students in the remote environment.

Practical Guidelines for Accessible Instruction
with Ian Moore and Valerie Ober
Thursday, August 13, 10:00-11:00am 

This presentation will outline a number of concrete, practical steps instructors can take to design more inclusive courses. Topics covered will include creating accessible course materials, improving the accessibility of lectures and presentations, and how to evaluate the accessibility of teaching and learning tools.

Thinking about an anti-racist syllabus
with Shaianne Osterreich, Eleanor Henderson, Raul Palma
Monday, August 17, 11:00am-12:00pm 

This session will open a conversation about what an anti-racist syllabus is and the types of work that need to be done to build one. We hope to learn and share more about what we need, individually and collectively, to create anti-racist class environments and the messages we send students with our syllabus design. This is intended to be the beginning of a conversation with follow up sessions throughout the year and it will be recorded for those that can’t attend.

Microaggressions: What are they and how can we address them?
with Belisa González
Friday, August 21, 12:00-2:00pm

This workshop will be divided into two parts. The first hour will be dedicated to an introduction to microaggressions. During this hour, I will review definitions and examples of common microagressions in higher education. I will also situate the concept of microagressions within the larger context of inequality with special attention paid to the relationship and history of microaggressions to anti-blackness. The second hour will be dedicated to identifying and addressing microaggressions within educational settings. After a brief presentation of common strategies, participants will be invited to ask questions and exchange strategies for addressing microaggressions in the classroom. 

Participants are welcome to join for one or both hours. For those joining only the second hour, please login during the break at 1:00pm.