Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy, ENVS) has published aresearch article in the most recent issue of Society and Natural

By Cheryl Smith, January 4, 2021

Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy, ENVS) has published a research article in the most recent issue of Society and Natural Resources. Titled "Locating Power in Ostrom’s Design Principles: Watershed Management in India and the United States,” the article is based on Dr. Mudliar's long-standing field research in Karnataka, India and West Virginia, United States (U.S.). 

The article examines how power dynamics of caste in India and race in the U.S. determine environmental outcomes and social (in)justices. Findings indicate that “negative aspects of power are not manifested through overt conflict, but through non-participation, inaction, and silence of non-dominant actors. Non-dominant actors respond to domination through solidarities and building capabilities. Paying attention to these interdependencies can shed light on the potential for collective action for achieving not only environmentally sustainable but also socially just outcomes.” 

Here’s the link to the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08941920.2020.1864535

For more information or a copy of the paper, please contact Dr. Mudliar directly.

Email: pmudliar@ithaca.edu

Web: https://faculty.ithaca.edu/pmudliar/