Spring Access and Testing Registration

By Katie Sack, January 6, 2021

Dear Staff, 

Spring Semester – Daily Health Screening and Testing Registration

As part of our preparations for spring, all staff must complete the Daily Health Screening and Testing Registration form by Friday, January 8. This form asks you to indicate whether you will be remote or will be accessing campus on a regular basis for the spring. If you will be accessing campus on a regular basis, you will be asked to select the frequency and the days of the week. You will also be asked your level of contact while on campus to determine whether you should be testing weekly (high/direct contact position) or every other week (low/no direct contact position). This will help us with tailoring the Daily Health Screening to your needs and monitoring compliance with testing. You will be able to access this form again to modify your responses if your needs change. If you are unsure about expectations for the spring, please contact your supervisor for guidance. 

Accessing Campus Between Now and January 25

We understand that a small number of staff will need to access campus between now and January 25 in order to perform necessary functions, such as facility cleaning and maintenance, campus safety, and other essential campus operations. These staff still must test, fill out the Daily Health Screening each day prior to accessing campus, and practice all health and safety protocols.

 Accessing Campus After January 25

After January 25, if you have indicated that you will be remote for the semester, please refrain from accessing campus whether for work or other reasons. Like the fall, if you must access your office for a short visit to retrieve items (less than 30 minutes) no more than twice during the semester please do so during off hours, minimize any contact with others, and complete the Daily Health Screening before coming to campus. You are not required to test. 

If your position requires that you access campus, plan to participate in the saliva self-collection process for detecting the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the frequency appropriate for your position, complete the Daily Health Screening, and follow all other health and safety protocols, including wearing a face-covering, maintaining a minimum of six feet of physical distance from others, and practicing good hand hygiene. These requirements remain in effect even if you are vaccinated against developing COVID-19 disease. 

Your cooperation with these guidelines is appreciated as we prepare for our students’ return. 

With all best wishes, 

Hayley Harris
Vice President for Human Resources and Planning