Seeking Faculty & Staff support for the Virtual Whalen Symposium!

By Rowan Larkin, January 20, 2021

Every year, we are overwhelmed by all the support we receive from faculty and staff in helping us put on our annual Whalen Symposium. If you or members of your department are able to join us this year for the 24th Annual Whalen Symposium, on April 19, 20, and 21, 2021 from 4PM-7PM EST,  by volunteering as a Moderator, Time Keeper, Finalist Judge, and/or Abstract Reviewer, we'd be glad to have you.

Abstract Reviewer
Reviewers will electronically review 3-6 abstracts (500-750 words per abstract) based on a provided rubric to determine finalist presentations which will be highlighted at the Symposium.  Award winners will be selected from the pool of finalists at the Symposium! Reviewers will be assigned abstracts by area of expertise, or as needed. Abstracts will be sent to reviewers on March 22, and they will be due back by March 29 at 11:59PM EST. Sign up to be an abstract reviewer.

Finalist Judge
On the day of the Symposium, judges will be assigned abstracts and presentations to grade based on a provided rubric. This information will be used to select this year's Finalists! Sign up to be a finalist judge.

On the day of the Symposium, Moderators will be asked to welcome attendees, introduce speakers, and facilitate brief Q+A's. Sign up to be a moderator.

Please contact with questions or concerns. View Whalen schedule and Whalen FAQ for more information.