Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy) and ENVS studentLaura O’Brien publish research on government interactions and
transformations in Environmental Science and Policy

By Cheryl Smith, January 28, 2021

Dr. Pranietha Mudliar (Assistant Professor of Policy) of ENVS and ENVS student Laura O’Brien (SP ’21) publish research on government interactions and transformations in Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, “Crowding-out lower-level authorities: Interactions and transformations of higher and lower-level authorities in Kenya’s polycentric fisheries” examines how governments interact with each other for managing Kenya’s fisheries in Lake Victoria. Findings indicate that higher-level governments take over lower-level functions. Lower-levels resist higher level authorities by performing higher-level functions. In addition, higher-level governments have high levels of cooperation with each other, which increases oversight over lower-level authorities.

In combination, these interactions crowd-out lower-level governments from core fisheries management functions to concentrate policy development and implementation with higher-level governments. Meanwhile, illegal and overfishing in Lake Victoria continue. 

Link to the article: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1cUJ45Ce0rgADL