Rajpreet Heir is this week’s guest on Fine Artists at Five.

By Gordon Rowland, February 3, 2021

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to host Ithaca College Community Artists each Friday at 5pm. In a mere 15-20 minutes, learn what our community brings to the arts, and the invariable ways art invigorates our lives. This week’s guest is Rajpreet Heir.

To gain the Zoom link, send a message to Gordon Rowland (rowland@ithaca.edu).

Rajpreet Heir is an Indian from Indiana. She received her B.A. in English Writing from DePauw University and her M.F.A. in Creative Nonfiction from George Mason University, where she taught both literature and composition. Upon graduating in 2016, she moved to New York City and worked first for Getty Images and then TED Conferences. Rajpreet has published nonfiction in both commercial and literary venues including The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Teen Vogue, Brevity, The Normal School, The Harvard Review, and others.

​Her essays often mix the personal with the political and approach difficult topics with humor, as in “Race at the Race: Being Indian-American at the Indianapolis 500” (Lit Hub) or “A Guy on the Subway Told Me I Didn’t Belong in This Country and I Told the Whole World About It” (Cosmopolitan). Rajpreet has also published many movie and book reviews. One review caught the attention of On Being Studios and they featured her on their This Movie Changed Me podcast. Many of these essays are part of a book-in-progress entitled Indian in Indiana.