UPDATE: IC Health Badge System Back Online

By Dan DeCaria, February 5, 2021

This is an alert to the campus community that the IC Health Badge system is now back ONLINE

The Hammond Health Center was able to successfully implement the required update mentioned here. Departments and facilities that have already begun utilizing the badge system should be able to resume doing so.

As a reminder to students, the IC Health Badge is an easy-to-access means to display your compliance with completing the Daily Health Screening Form and participating in twice per week surveillance testing. You may be expected to display your badge when accessing various spaces on-campus.

To access your IC Health Badge, please visit myichealthcenter.ithaca.edu. You will be prompted to enter your IC Netpass email and password, as well as your date of birth. Once on the landing screen, navigate to the tab which reads "Show Badge" to display your current status.

Reminder to students, you have the ability to edit information within your IC Health Center portal, making it easy to add or change your chosen name, gender identity and pronouns. Simply login using your IC Netpass email and password, as well as your date of birth at the link above. Navigate to the link entitled "Edit My Profile". This will give you options to edit your chosen name in the Preferred Name section. The name that is displayed on your IC Health Badge will be pulled from this section. Within this page you will also be able to make changes to your gender identity and pronouns.

Please be reminded that the IC Health Badge is not a full-proof indicator that you are negative for COVID-19, but only your current status in regards to your compliance with the Daily Health Screening Form and surveillance testing. Continue to follow all public health procedures outlined in the IC Community Agreement.