Rye Bread - Play Reading! TONIGHT

By Max Kasler, February 10, 2021

 Looking for something fun to do tonight?? Come see a staged reading of Rye Bread, a play written by IC Alumna Audrey Lang! Tonight at 6PM

Sign-up HERE! (the form will take less than a minute to fill out!)

Show synopsis: Rye (short for Riley) is a precocious sort-of high school graduate, trying to find meaning and purpose in the summer internship she’s been forced to do to make up the credit for her failed Econ class. But what meaning and purpose is there really to an office with rats running around, a not-really-nice boss who happens to be her cousin, and the other intern who won't let Rye so much as sit down at the computer? Rye’s moms "Dr. Kate" and "Rabbi Rachel" want her to stick it out, but she’s not sure that even a goal as important as graduating high school can get her through this summer. Team info: In addition to Audrey Lang (Pride Plays) and Britt Berke (The 24 Hour Plays: Nationals), the team for Rye Bread includes cast members Emily Chester (Ithaca College '18, National Tour of The Magic School Bus), Lauren Pisano (World Premiere of Whistleblower, Waterloo East Theatre), Daniel Bailin (Pure Off-Broadway), Stacey Harris (Broadway’s Bells Are Ringing, National Yiddish Theatre - Folksbiene), Liz Samuel (The Week Of with Adam Sandler), and Shawn K. Jain (NNPN Rolling World Premiere of Heartland), and stage manager Rafidi (Stage Management Apprentice, The Juilliard School).

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kyle Friedman at kfriedman2@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.