Apply NOW for the BOLD Women\'s Leadership Network Scholarship

By Samantha Elebiary, February 12, 2021

Calling students who identify as women or female and will graduate in 2023 to apply for the BOLD Women's Leadership Network (BOLD Program Scholarship)!

Dear students,
I am pleased to announce the application process for the BOLD Women’s Leadership Scholarship is open. The BOLD Program is an innovative women’s leadership initiative funded by the Pussycat Foundation. BOLD scholars are awarded a two-year scholarship of up to $27,500 per year, and those selected will become part of a cohort of about 7-10 students. I invite you to review the details on the IC BOLD website at carefully and read the information below. If you are interested in applying to become a BOLD Scholar, please complete the information as outlined. We are very excited to offer this amazing leadership and career networking opportunity to our current sophomore students who identify as women or female that will be graduating in 2023 (likely current sophomores that will be juniors in the fall, but please contact me if you have any questions about class standing).

I look forward to speaking with you at one of the two information sessions being held on Wednesday, February 17th, at 4pm, or Tuesday, March 2nd, at 12:10pm. It is not required to attend an info session, but highly encouraged to be sure you have all the information you need.  

BOLD Scholars
If you are interested in applying for the BOLD Scholarship for the 2021-2023 academic years, please do so by Friday, March 12th at 11:59pm. The application can be found here:

A complete application consists of the application form, a recommendation from at least one current Ithaca College faculty or staff member (link to the recommendation form is below), and a PDF copy of your unofficial transcript sent to The criteria candidates must meet to be considered for the BOLD scholarship are:
• Class of 2023 - planning to graduate in May, summer, or December of 2023
• Students who identify as women or female
• Full-time enrollment with good academic standing (minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA. Applicants with a cumulative GPA of 2.2-2.5 will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the selection committee)
• Exceptional leadership potential including strong critical thinking skills
• Demonstrated ability to work well in groups and capacity to facilitate challenging discourse
• BOLD Scholars are NOT required to reside on campus for the duration of the program (meaning you can live off-campus or be a commuter student)
• The scholarship is need based and determined based on your FAFSA and current financial aid package – please contact financial aid if you have questions about your eligibility based on financial need

Previously, we have not permitted any scholars to study abroad or study away during their time as a scholar. This is due to the intimate nature of the cohort and the intense workload that is required by all scholars. We will now consider, on a case-by-case basis, applicants who plan to study abroad or study away during their last two years at Ithaca College. This will be based on their action plan to contribute meaningfully to their cohort, and to be a successful scholar while away from Ithaca. Please indicate on your application if you plan to study abroad or study away during the next two years and we will discuss this further during the interview process. Please reach out if you want to discuss this further. 

Please be sure to ask a faculty or staff member to complete the recommendation form on your behalf, which can be found here. You must have at least one recommendation, but you can have more than one if you feel they can speak to different areas.

Students will be selected via a two-stage interview process. The first is a group interview, where a group of finalists will be selected to participate in an individual interview. From the pool of all applicants, the final cohort of about 7-10 students will be selected by the end of the spring semester (approximately May 7th).

Please keep these important dates in your calendar:

·       Application will be open from Friday, February 12th – Friday, March 12th

·       Info Sessions (not required, but encouraged): Wednesday, February 17th, 4pm-5pm, or Tuesday, March 2nd, 12:10pm-1pm

·       Application and unofficial academic transcript must be submitted by Friday, March 12th, at 11:59pm

·       At least one recommendation must be submitted by Friday, March 19th, at 11:59pm

·       Group Interviews will be held during the weekend of March 27th – 28th. Please hold time on your calendar for these interviews. All eligible candidates will be invited to participate in the group interviews.

·       After group interviews, approximately 20-25 students will be invited to participate in the next phase, which is the individual interview.

·       Individual Interviews will be held from April 12th – April 23rd (you will receive information about scheduling a date/time that works for you)

·       The final cohort will be selected, and notifications will take place around May 7th

Any questions or concerns can be sent to

Warmest regards,
Samantha Elebiary, BOLD Program Director