CORRECTION - Timecard Reporting for Delayed Opening

By Katie Sack, February 24, 2021

Given that the College officially Delayed Opening on Tuesday February 16, 2021, until 10:00 a.m. due to a weather emergency, we offer the following information to assist employees and supervisors in completing and approving online timecards.  The official announcement came just after 6:00 am, so that is the start time for the delay.

All non-exempt employees designated as “essential” and who worked and/or reported to work during the delayed opening, will be compensated at their regular rate and will receive an ADDITIONAL one and one-half times their regular rate for all hours worked during the delay.  

For these essential employees, they should enter two time types for the delay on the online timecard:

  1. Regularly scheduled hours worked should be recorded as Regular – Day (these hours will be paid at regular time)
  2. Actual hours worked between 6:00 am-10:00 am should be recorded as Emergency Closing – Essential – Day (these hours will be paid and time and one half)


  • Non-essential personnel who were regularly scheduled to start work during the official delay (between 6:00 am and 10:00 am) should record time from the start of their regularly scheduled shift until 10:00 am as Emergency Closing hours. All other hours after 10:00 am should be recorded as regular hours worked unless they did not report to work after 10:00 am.  If they did not report to work after 10:00 am, employees should use PTA for the remainder of their regularly scheduled hours. If they do not have PTA, the balance of the day will be unpaid time.
  • Employees who are on medical leave, or who had previously scheduled vacation or personal time for February 16th, will not have these hours converted to Emergency Closing hours. 
  • Essential personnel who worked or reported to work during the emergency closing (6:00 am and 10:00 am), will receive one and one-half times their regular rate (time and a half) for all hours worked during this delay.  These hours should be recorded as Emergency Closing – Essential – Day.  The balance of their shift should be recorded as Regular Hours – Day (or Regular Hours – Night for third shift employees working between 6:00 am and 10:00 am at the end of their shift) and will be compensated at their regular rate for the remainder of their regularly scheduled hours.
  • Temporary and part-time workers who are not benefit-eligible are not paid for emergency closings unless they are designated as “essential” and required to report to work. If those employees were required to report to work during the delay, hours should be reported as outlined.
  • Student employees who worked during the delay will be paid at their regular rate for hours worked.
  • The College officially reopened at 10:00 a.m.

Please contact the Office of Human Resources at (607) 274-8000 or with any questions or for assistance.