Update from the Center for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Social Change(IDEAS)

By Hierald Osorto, February 25, 2021

With hopes for his future, I share with you that RahK Lash, Director for the Center for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Social Change (IDEAS), will be departing from Ithaca College on March 15th to pursue a new and exciting opportunity.  

RahK started at Ithaca College in 2015 as the Assistant Director for Multicultural Affairs, leading program initiatives for the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs, later serving as Interim Director for the Center for IDEAS during a time of transition, and finally becoming Director in February 2020. 

RahK's passion for students, his tenacity for excellence, and his commitment to ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion are a reality on our campus have not gone unnoticed. During the past several years, RahK has been instrumental in ensuring the MLK Scholar's Program's sustainability, a signature 19-year program at Ithaca College. Without a doubt, RahK's impact on our community will remain long after his departure.

I am grateful for all the excellent work RahK has done, and I look forward to seeing what he does in his future endeavors. RahK will be missed by many of us and it's been an honor to call him a colleague during these past several years. Please join me in congratulating him on this venture!

Feel free to contact Hierald Osorto, Executive Director for Student Equity and Belonging directly at hosorto@ithaca.edu with any questions you might have regarding this transition and the Center for IDEAS.