Message to Campus Community on Anti-Asian Bias and Violence

By News, March 18, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

As you know, there has been an ongoing and disturbing national trend of violent activities against our Asian and Asian American communities, and the Senior Leadership Team at Ithaca College takes this opportunity to communicate our deep concern and vehement condemnation of these acts of violence.

It is evident that the targeting of members of Asian communities has increased across our nation, and we grieve for the victims of Tuesday’s killings in the Atlanta area and the fear that it provokes. Much of this targeting has come at a time of racist framing of COVID-19 and the pandemic as the fault of China, which some are using as an excuse to act on their intolerance. We want to be clear that there is no excuse for these cowardly attacks — whether they be in the form of verbal harassment or physical violence — and that the Ithaca College community stands as one in condemning such reprehensible acts and those responsible for them.

We want to convey our deepest sympathies to anyone in our community who has experienced anti-Asian bias and to let you know of the resources that are available to you.

  • The Bias Impact Reporting Form is intended to provide students, staff, and faculty with a centralized way of accessing resources if they experience or witness a bias incident on campus, via social media, virtually, or at a college-affiliated event.
  • The East Coast Asian American Student Union has compiled an extensive document of information and resources, with a section of the document dedicated to combatting racism and xenophobia.
  • The Office of Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) is available to meet with IC students to provide mental support in light of recent events. CAPS offers both group therapy and individual sessions with licensed counselors. Appointments are held in telehealth format for Spring 2021, making this resource available to all students whether they are on campus, off campus, or studying remotely this semester.
  • Students seeking further support during this challenging time are encouraged to reach out to any staff member in Student Affairs and Campus Life. For specific help in getting connected with the appropriate resource, contact Hierald Osorto, Executive Director for Student Equity and Belonging, at
  • The Office of Human Resources and the Center for Faculty Excellence are also committed to providing needed support for faculty and staff. College employees experiencing stress and/or anxiety are also encouraged to contact Ithaca College’s Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-327-2255 for more information.
  • Anyone who wishes to file a formal bias complaint against a member of the Ithaca College faculty or staff may do so anonymously through Ethics Point

We must all remain committed — individually and collectively, on campus and off — to work actively toward creating a society that is inclusive and equitable and that values the lives and experiences of everyone.

With deepest respect, 

Shirley M. Collado

La Jerne Terry Cornish
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 

Odalys Diaz Piñeiro
Chief of Staff 

Rosanna Ferro
Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life 

Hayley Harris
Vice President for Human Resources and Planning 

Wendy Kobler
Vice President for Philanthropy and Engagement 

Laurie Koehler
Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Strategy  

Nancy Pringle
Secretary and Legal Counsel to the Board of Trustees