Matzo boxes, chametz sale, Kosher for Passover food!

By Max Kasler, March 24, 2021

 What about food for the WHOLE WEEK OF PASSOVER???

Well of course Kosher Korner is open during it's regular hours!
But what about snacks and breakfast?

There's plenty great food available all day long, but to get it in your hands Kosher dining needs to hear from everyone that has an interest or need for Kosher for Passover food ASAP.

Yes, that means you!   

We want to be sure you get your own stash of Passover foods, with everything you need to make the week super yummy! 
Kosher yogurt, fresh fruit, even eggs! But Kosher Korner need to hear from you to get it to you!!!


Come by Kosher Korner at Terrace Dining Hall. Meet with Chaim our new Kosher Supervisor.
He is available between 8 AM - 7 PM Sunday through Friday.

Can't make it to Terrace Dining Hall to meet in person? You can email Chaim at

Follow @ickosherkorner on Instagram for daily menus and all the latest updates regarding Kosher on Campus.

 Keeping kosher for Passover? We are commanded to EAT MATZO and GET RID OF CHAMETZ

Sign up here by 11 am Wednesday 3/24 for either or both.   MATZO PICK UP will be 1-4 pm Wednesday at the Chapel.                                                  SALE OF CHAMETZ to take care of anything you miss while cleaning, you can add your physical address to appoint Rabbi Rachel Safman of Temple Beth El as your agent. She has graciously agreed to act as the agent for our students and is also part of our Thursday co-sponsored program on ridding ourselves of spiritual chametz!    Fill out THIS FORM if you want free Matzo or to sell your chametz!