By Christin Schillinger, March 25, 2021

The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to host Ithaca College Community Artists each Friday at 5pm. In a mere 15-20minutes, learn what our community brings to the Arts, and the invariable ways Art invigorates our lives.

March 26: Patricia Hunsinger (bio below)

The Zoom link to attend any of these events is obtained by emailing

BIO: Patricia L. Hunsinger is a Central New York printmaker. She received her B.A. From the State University of New York at Cortland in Studio Art and went on to earn her M.F.A in Printmaking from Ohio University. As a teacher, Patricia devotes herself to the classroom in order to create a shared student-teacher experience, a “life world experience,” as writer David Abrams explains it. She works to build student technical knowledge, but also to incite a love of learning and creating. While she enjoys teaching students the techniques of creating art and helping them grow into accomplished artists, much of her life is entirely devoted to making prints. 

In creating her art, Patricia pulls from her plethora of experiences, from her family, and from the universal questions all humanity faces. She lives in the countryside near Ithaca, and her immersion in the natural world is a running motif in her artwork. She is often able to turn sketches, photographs, and found items from her backyard into layered prints that draw from nature while commenting on human life and the choices we make. Other major influences on her art include her children, Allison and Elliot. With her daughter, she was able to explore the cycles of nature in terms of budding womanhood; with her son, she was able to explore his increasing sexuality and the effects of the external world on his maturation. In both bodies of artwork, she chose to present the awkward transition of pre-adolescence and adolescence into adulthood, and this includes creating larger-than-life images that are meant as startling confrontations for the audience in order to invoke in them the same discomfort adolescents feel. Patricia strives to bridge the line between artist intention and audience observation.