Quantitative Approaches to Social Justice

By Ted Galanthay, March 30, 2021

 Please join us at 4pm on Monday, April 5 when Chad Topaz, co-founder and director of the QSIDE Institute and professor of Mathematics at Williams College, will share how to use simple quantitative tools to tackle social justice issues.  Zoom link: ithaca.zoom.us/j/91482691861

Title: Quantitative Approaches to Social Justice

Abstract: Civil rights leader, educator, and investigative journalist Ida B. Wells said that "the way to right wrongs is to shine the light of truth upon them."  This talk will demonstrate how quantitative and computational approaches can shine a light on social injustices and help build solutions to remedy them.  I will present quantitative social justice projects on topics ranging from diversity in art museums to equity in criminal sentencing to affirmative action, health care access, and more.  I hope that this talk leaves you informed about the breadth of social justice applications that one can tackle using accessible mathematical tools.

sponsored by the Math Department Colloquium series

Zoom link: ithaca.zoom.us/j/91482691861

Questions?  Contact tgalanthay@ithaca.edu (Prof. Ted Galanthay)