Textbook Adoption Deadline for Fall 2021—Monday, April 12, 2021

By Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson, March 31, 2021

(Posted on behalf of Dr. La Jerne Terry Cornish, Provost and Sr. VP for Academic Affairs)

Dear Faculty,

Beginning this week, students may view the fall 2021 schedule in Homer, and course registrations will begin Tuesday, April 13th. We are observing a Monday, April 12th deadline for submission of Fall 2021 course adoptions in order to comply with the provisions of the Higher Education Equal Opportunity Act. Students must be able to review both the course schedule and the anticipated costs of textbooks associated with those courses at the time they register for courses.

You may submit your fall adoptions to Ithaca.textbookx.com (also accessible via the apps page on our website). Even if you are not requiring course materials for your class, please visit the portal and indicate that you are not requiring textbooks or other materials for your section. This will allow students to confirm their total likely expenses for Fall 2021 courses while they register.

Before submitting orders, we encourage you to check the Ithaca College Library’s collections to learn whether IC owns digital copies of any text(s) you plan to require. Access to electronic course materials already owned by the Library may help achieve additional savings for our students.

If you need support with the course submission process, you may review the tutorial at https://youtu.be/NaFCdRhEc2U or contact our liaison, Esther Go (ego@akademos.com or 646-481-5022).

Thanks to those of you who have already accessed the portal to submit your fall 2021 orders and to everyone for helping students stay informed about their likely course expenses.

Best wishes,

La Jerne Terry Cornish, Ph.D.
Provost and Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs