Ask ICC! ePortfolio - April ePortfolio Sessions for Graduating Seniors

By Angela Gian-Cursio, April 6, 2021

The ICC is offering a series of drop-in zoom meetings this spring for graduating seniors to answer questions regarding modified guidelines for completing the ePortfolio to satisfy the DegreeWorks “MET” graduation requirement. 

Drop-in with Academic Advisor and ICC Program Administrator Angela Gian-Cursio for an ePortfolio focused working session where you can work on your ICC ePortfolio, ask questions in real-time and maybe even get an instant review! 

You can also find the ICC ePortfolio FAQs here

In addition to ePortfolio reviews, the ICC Director, Susan Adams Delaney, is available for drop-in advising on all ICC related questions.

Spring Drop-in Office hours for the ICC Director are:

 You can also email all your ICC related questions to