Jacob White: Fine Artists @ Five.

By Gordon Rowland, April 14, 2021

 The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to host Ithaca College Community Artists each Friday at 5pm. In a mere 15-20 minutes, learn what our community brings to the arts, and the invariable ways art invigorates our lives. This week’s guest is Jacob White.

To gain the Zoom link, send a message to Gordon Rowland (rowland@ithaca.edu).

Jacob White is Associate Professor of Writing here at IC. His story collection Being Dead in South Carolina was published by Leapfrog Press in 2013. His fiction and essays have appeared in many places, such as The Georgia Review, Prairie Schooner, New Letters, The Literary Review, Shenandoah, Cimarron Review, Salt Hill, New Orleans Review, Modern Language Studies, Juked, Hobart Online, and The Sewanee Review, from whom he received the Andrew Lytle Prize. He has received honorable mentions in both Best American Short Stories and The Pushcart Prize anthologies, as well as the Donald Barthelme Memorial Fellowship in Fiction from the University of Houston and the Father William Ralston Fellowship from The Sewanee Writers' Conference. He co-edited Green Mountains Review from 2011-2013.