Let\'s Do This!

By Sara Jacobs, April 16, 2021

Ready or not - LET'S. DO. THIS!

It's Friday, people!  Friday is special because it means that if you are reading this post now, then you will be magically transported at 12:00pm noon TODAY to join a special session for staff, where you can gain a few helpful tools.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about useful resources and tips for starting and/or maintaining a fitness routine that best suits you.  No experience needed. This is simply a talk - and a launching pad to provide some inspiration. 

We can all benefit from some encouragement - so join us today at 12:00pm for this session for staff (via Zoom) with guest presenters: Jennifer Buckman and Anthony Fragnoli. For Info/Registration visit:  ithaca.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7067315.  ZOOM link:  https://ithaca.zoom.us/s/91370634080  Meeting ID: 913 7063 4080. Passcode:  575010.

We look forward to seeing you there!

*This event is being hosted by the Employee Engagement Committee in response to a REST survey for staff that highlighted staff interest in having activities to support their wellbeing.

For inquiries email:  staffcouncil@ithaca.edu