Get ICC credit by learning Italian this fall!

By Julia Cozzarelli, April 23, 2021

Planning a trip abroad?  Looking to meet a language requirement?  Or have you always been curious about Italy and la bella lingua italiana?  Perhaps you simply need an ICC humanities course (Identities theme).  For any or all of these reasons, take beginning Italian with us!  

We have two elementary Italian courses for fall: one that meets MWF at 10:00 (with a Thursday session at either 8 AM or 4 PM), and a second that meets MWF at 11:00 (with a Thursday session at either 4 PM or 5:25 PM).  Feel free to reach out to either Julia Cozzarelli or Marella Feltrin-Morris for any questions about these or any other Italian Studies course offerings.  Ci vediamo presto!